Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal Form

Renewal Subscriptions are due by the 1st October for the new membership year.

Please note that * denotes a required field.

 Archives and Technology

 Archives for Learning and Education

 Business Records

 Community Archives and Heritage

 Film, Sound and Photography

 New Professionals

 Preservation and Conservation

 Records Management and Information Governance

 Specialist Repositories

 Archives and Museums

 Chief Archivists in Local Government Group (CALGG)
 Archivists of Scottish Local Authorities Working Group (ASLAWG)

 Journal of the Archives and Records Association (this option is not available to Affiliate members)

 Student Membership
 Individual Membership
 Affiliate Membership
 International Membership
 Institutional Affiliate Membership
 Supporter Membership (for Friends of Archives and Local History groups only)
 Not for Profit organisations turning over less than 30,000 per year
 ARMA Member
 RIMPA Global Member

I am paying in:

Please be aware that the online renewal system is for FULL ANNUAL payments ONLY and any installment payments must be arranged through the ARA Office on 01823 327 077.

This will be automatically populated once you have selected a membership.
If you would like us to send you an invoice instead of paying online, please check the box below before submitting this form.

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation by May 2018 we need your EXPLICIT CONSENT by completing the form below to confirm that you are happy for us to retain your details so that we can contact you with information relating to the Archives and Records Association (UK & Ireland) and the record keeping profession. We would hold your data for the following;
  • Administration of your membership
  • Administration of all ARA events including conference
  • ARA Publications and websites
  • Used in a mailing list by the Association’s publishers to distribute ARC magazine and Archives and Records journal
Please note photographs taken at Association events may be published by the Association’s publications, on the ARA website or in the media generally.

If you have any concerns relating to Data Protection, please contact the ARA Office on 01823 327077.

Please tick below to indicate how you wish ARA to communicate to you in the future.
Contact by phone
  •  Yes
  •  No
Contact by email
  •  Yes
  •  No
Contact by post
  •  Yes
  •  No
I confirm the information in this form is correct and I am happy to receive communications from the Association as indicated above.

Please note a receipt will be issued with all transactions and you are likely to be entitled to tax relief on the cost of your membership subscriptions. If you are not already receiving this benefit, please apply to your local tax office or enter details on your next tax return or, alternatively, have you considered gift aid?

UK taxpayers only, please consider filling out the gift aid declaration form below (if you have already completed a gift aid form please ignore this request and thank you for your continued support).

Gift Aid ItIf you wish to participate in Gift Aid, please download the form below and
sign and return it to the ARA Office.
Download Gift Aid Form
If you are experiencing problems while trying to fill out this form or have any queries regarding your application, please contact the ARA office on 01823 327077.